Busy, Busy, Busy....

Okay... i know it has been a really long time since i last posted to my blog and i am sorry for the delay. I have really been way busy the past several weeks. That is a good thing but I really didn't think i would be this busy until later on into Spring. :) I have several new sessions i will be posting as i gradually get them proofed so keep checking back for updates.

Two weeks ago, I met up with Lauren Hester and Brandon Garriga for a Love Story Session. I am also shooting their upcoming wedding the end of May. I loved shooting this session... they both were a blast to hang out with. I have known Lauren for a long time now but i did not really know Brandon until meeting him this day. Lauren is a 5th grade school teacher at New Hope and Brandon is in medical school in Jackson. They are the sweetest couple and are so cute with each other. We mostly laughed the entire session as you can see in the pictures because Brandon kept saying things like, "Yeah, this is so natural...we do this gazing into each others eyes everyday" I guess you had to be there. I think this was the best Love Story Session i have ever had the opportunity to shoot and i can not wait to shoot the upcoming wedding. I know it will be a blast, too!
Below is Lauren and Brandon's slideshow and some of my favorite images too...

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